Watch video for complete information.
- April 1-15
- Except April 5-6
- Farms with at least an entry in 2011 BAKBAKAN will be banded for 2012 with 100, 200, 300, 400, and maximum of 500 wing bands for an entry, two entries, three entries, four entries, and, five or more entries; respectively.
- New members of local associations will be banded for 2012 with 75 wing bands.
- If your farm is located elsewhere within the main group of islands of Luzon, Visayas, or, Mindanao: accommodation banding is allowed and requires full payment of pot money BAKBAKAN 2012.
- 4+4: four primary wings feathers on both wings.
- Not allowed: hennies, vultures
- Banding team composed of two person from different associations other than the local association.
- Well-healed and dry wing web at time of derby.
Watch video for complete information.